The Happy Housewife

I love being a stay-at-home mommy, a housewife and I love to write and create art. This blog is all about what makes me happy and lucky - all my favourite things besides my babies and the little luxuries in life.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Publicity for my book !

Article about my book, "Scorpio Moon", published in "Maidenhead Advertiser" - September 2012.

This is my first taste of publicity and it feels wierd ! I have been doing my own marketing/publicity using social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, for a year now. It did'nt really seem to help with sales. Hopefully this will help...

Besides publicity for my book and what seems like a potentially new career in freelance journalism (a friend has been helping me raise my profile as a writer and she helped me with this article), I am still a very tired and busy stay-at-home mother to my two little bouncing bunnies. They are growing so fast, time is just flying and I am still crashing on the couch at the end of the day, around 7:30pm, every day ! I find myself waiting a lot. For things like, replies to my e-mails (my  main form of socialising and communicating with the outside adult world), response and feedback about my writing or art work, winning some  money to buy a house, a large house. Oh the list goes on and on... That's all for now, will catch up again soon. This tired juggler needs some rest.